Our private page has useful information such as contact information, anniversary dates, home group listings, and a list of members open to sponsoring.
Obviously, this information needs to stay private to our local members only, and you must request permission to access the page.
The first step is to create an account by clicking here or on the button that looks like a person in the upper right-hand corner of the page and selecting Create Account.
After your account is created, email batonrougega@gmail.com and let us know you have created an account and would like access to the page. If you are new and your name may not be easily recognized, add some details in your email so that we know you are a current, active member.
Unfortunately, there is no automated process for this due to anonymity and privacy reasons, and each request has to be reviewed manually, so you will have to wait to get access to the page. Page 17 #8 Be Patient.
If you would care to have your information added to the private page, you can fill out the form below or again, just send an email to batonrougega@gmail.com.
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